That Faraway Look

That Faraway Look - Jenna Decker small
THAT FARAWAY LOOK (2019) 8″x10″ watercolor on paper

A glimpse into your mind.

Imaginary gardens growing, twisting, concealing.

Only you know what you’re looking at. Only you dream the dreams inside your brain.

Shifting visions of flowers, vines, and songs all tangled up in knots.

Colors and shapes blend and germinate…

When you’re staring off into space with that faraway look in your eyes.

In progress shots:

Unformable Things

Works in progress…

“It’s all the unwordable things one wants to write about, just as it’s all the unformable things one wants to paint” -Emily Carr

The Music Became Honeyed

 5″x7″ watercolor on paper (left)                  18″x24″ watercolor on paper (right)

Digitally-manipulated version (below)

The Music Became Honeyed digital

Three versions of the same painting, “The Music Became Honeyed”.

Abstracted nature. Petals, leaves, branches, hills and mountains fragmented, re-imagined and arranged into a fluent composition.

I loved this composition so much, I did it in two sizes (both slightly different of course) and then manipulated it digitally to create a new kind of harmony within the painting. The result was a unique, entirely new symmetrical/mirrored/balanced piece.

Do not copy or reproduce any images without permission.

Leave a comment below or contact me here if you wish to purchase this piece.

Found Dancing, Push the Sky Away

Found Dancing Push the Sky Away - Jenna Decker

“Found Dancing, Push the Sky Away”

Watercolor on paper  (5×8 inches on paper)

This is one of my favorite pieces that I’ve made this year! The composition just appeared naturally and effortlessly from a spontaneous under-painting. The flow of shapes and colors just makes me happy to sit and stare at.


(In progress photos– under-painting and peek of color swatch/notes during the painting process)

*This painting is available, contact me if you’re interested in purchasing!


A Chronically Ill Book

You're Still Sick Julie Jacobsen Deck small

I painted/designed the cover for this beautiful book full of empathy, fierce women, and a touch of magic realism…

Have you ever read a fiction book with a chronically ill main character? (Probably not, right?)  Any young woman with an invisible illness/disability will see herself in this book, and anyone else will gain some much-needed insight into the lives of women who are “still sick”.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been asked that question, too- “You’re still sick?” goes hand-in-hand with “but you don’t look sick!” and “get well soon!” after you’ve just said you have a c h r o n i c illness. Yup. Thank you [sarcasm].

Find more about it on the author’s website (which I also helped design!) or purchase her book on Amazon, etc!


Orange River Constellations

“Orange River Constellations” A past work– acrylic and stitched fibers on canvas.
I really miss working with acrylic but unfortunately I only have access to watercolor and paper at the moment. I went through a traumatic time where I lost all of my belongings (ALL. Including my art supplies and my entire portfolio and any unsold works).
Thank you for understanding the days/months/years of hiatus if you follow me now or my last blog or if you knew me back from Etsy (Musical Color Studio). I’m still very much in the “chronic-illness-abyss” but always grateful whenever I feel well enough to be creating again!

Quiet People, Loud Minds


“Quiet people have the loudest minds” – Stephen Hawking