
Tender - Jenna Decker (1)
TENDER, 5″x7″ cotton fiber & watercolor on paper


Details and view of stitching from the back

New embroidered watercolor painting. Subtle white thread on flowing blended blues.

Stitched pathways, tender trailing touches, cold air.

Meandering through quiet beauty, snow under starlight.

You can follow me, but I don’t know where I’m going.

Orange River Constellations

“Orange River Constellations” A past work– acrylic and stitched fibers on canvas.
I really miss working with acrylic but unfortunately I only have access to watercolor and paper at the moment. I went through a traumatic time where I lost all of my belongings (ALL. Including my art supplies and my entire portfolio and any unsold works).
Thank you for understanding the days/months/years of hiatus if you follow me now or my last blog or if you knew me back from Etsy (Musical Color Studio). I’m still very much in the “chronic-illness-abyss” but always grateful whenever I feel well enough to be creating again!